Floorball For...
Floorball is played in an incredible number of places by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Floorball is an ideal team building sport for:
Play at Home - play floorball for family fun in the driveway, garage, basement, or street. Get the kids active again!
Special Olympics - floorball is now an official sport of Special Olympics...
Schools - for physical education curriculum, summer programs and team sports. The perfect sport for schools of all ages: elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, alternative schools, prep schools and colleges.
Hockey Players - a fun activity that will help you improve your hockey skills and complement your off-ice training.
Hockey Programs - incorporate floorball into your off-ice and dry land training programs and use floorball to introduce young kids to hockey-like activities before they are old enough for learn-to-skate and introductory hockey programs. Floorball is a fantastic addition to hockey outreach programs.
Campus Recreation and Intramurals - playing floorball is an ideal activity for college campus rec or intramural programs.
Rinks/Sports Facilities/Programs - ice, roller and inline rinks are using floorball for birthday parties, team events, and recreational league games. Sports complexes offer floorball equipment for sign-out and active play. Churches and youth groups use floorball in their activity programs.
Street Hockey / Floor Hockey - floorball is often confused with street or floor hockey that has been played for decades. There are significant differences...
Fire Departments - floorball is ideal to stay active and engaged between calls.
North American Floorball League - the first professional floorball league in North America. Season begins June 2020!
Fitness Stars - the Dallas Stars provide a hugely popular hockey outreach program through the Dallas Stars Foundation. Learn more about how Fitness Stars ties hockey to floorball in hundreds of schools.
Wheelchair Floorball - disability? What disability?
Parties/Rentals - birthday parties, fundraisers, corporate team building...
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